What The FileReadingExceptionIf you’re a programmer, or even just a bro-grammer, check this comment on the official .NET documentation out:

Offset and position parameters wrong in intellisense
Its *really* annoying when the Intellisense documentation is wrong when you are coding … it has been a frustrating exercise to figure this out. As a previous poster mentioned, the Intellisense doco for the offset and position parameters are swapped around. The parameter descriptions as shown on this page are correct.

.NET intellisense pulling a dick move

Screencap of the “sligtly” misleading intellisense description from VS2010.

And let me just add that I would only stumble upon comedy gold like this after having had the most inexplicable out-of-bounds exception ever. Here is some simplified code that will throw an out-of-bounds exception on the 2nd read when reading from a file of 8 bytes or more:

using System;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using KeyValueBase.Interfaces;
using System.IO;
using System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles;

public class SomeClassName
public void Init(String indexfile)
uint[] keypair = new uint[4];
var mmName = Path.GetFileName(indexfile);
using (var mStream = new FileStream(indexfile, FileMode.Open)){
using (var mmf = MemoryMappedFile.CreateFromFile(
mStream.Length, MemoryMappedFileAccess.Read, null,
HandleInheritability.None, false)){

using (var a = mmf.CreateViewAccessor(
0, mStream.Length,
for (int i=0; i /* The wrongly documented function that leads
* to the most inexplicable out-of-bounds
* exception.
* The following line is well behaved */
a.ReadArray(i, keypair, 0, 4);
/* This line on the contrary does something
* "funny" with your program, try it! */
// a.ReadArray(0, keypair, i, 4);

I would of course be the last to want to generate negative prejudice towards the entire subspecies of .NET dependent bro-grammers, but I think it is fair to assume that this error would have been patched a long time ago if they in general were more prone to and proficient in dealing with binary data ;)