• user warning: Got error 28 from storage engine query: SELECT DISTINCT t.* FROM drupal_term_node r INNER JOIN drupal_term_data t ON r.tid = t.tid INNER JOIN drupal_vocabulary v ON t.vid = v.vid LEFT JOIN drupal_forum_access fa ON t.tid = fa.tid LEFT JOIN drupal_acl acl_fa ON acl_fa.name = t.tid AND acl_fa.module = 'forum_access' LEFT JOIN drupal_acl_user aclu_fa ON aclu_fa.acl_id = acl_fa.acl_id AND aclu_fa.uid = 0 WHERE ((fa.grant_view >= 1 AND fa.rid IN (1)) OR fa.tid IS NULL OR aclu_fa.uid = 0) AND ( r.vid = 34943 )ORDER BY v.weight, t.weight, t.name in /var/www/dikutal.dk/modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.module on line 632.
  • user warning: Got error 28 from storage engine query: SELECT DISTINCT node.nid AS nid, node.title AS node_title, node.language AS node_language, node.type AS node_type, node.vid AS node_vid, node_revisions.teaser AS node_revisions_teaser, node_revisions.format AS node_revisions_format, node_data_field_date.field_date_value AS node_data_field_date_field_date_value FROM drupal_node node LEFT JOIN drupal_content_field_date node_data_field_date ON node.vid = node_data_field_date.vid LEFT JOIN drupal_term_node term_node ON node.vid = term_node.vid AND (term_node.tid = 9 OR term_node.tid = 10 OR term_node.tid = 12 OR term_node.tid = 19 OR term_node.tid = 18 OR term_node.tid = 13 OR term_node.tid = 16 OR term_node.tid = 17 OR term_node.tid = 11 OR term_node.tid = 14 OR term_node.tid = 15) LEFT JOIN drupal_node_revisions node_revisions ON node.vid = node_revisions.vid INNER JOIN drupal_node_access na ON na.nid = node.nid WHERE (na.grant_view >= 1 AND ((na.gid = 0 AND na.realm = 'all') OR (na.gid = 1 AND na.realm = 'book_page_access_view') OR (na.gid = 1 AND na.realm = 'forum_access'))) AND ( ((node.status <> 0) AND (node.type in ('event')) AND (term_node.tid IS NULL)) AND (DATE_FORMAT(ADDTIME(node_data_field_date.field_date_value, SEC_TO_TIME(7200)), '%Y-%m-%d') >= '2014-10-22') )ORDER BY node_data_field_date_field_date_value ASC LIMIT 0, 3 in /var/www/dikutal.dk/sites/all/modules/views/includes/view.inc on line 771.

We are a growing computer security company and a cool place to work! Come join us in Copenhagen, Denmark, and fight it-criminals along with our world class security researchers - and develop state-of-the-art systems for both intelligence, analytics and proactive security-as-a-service.

CSIS Security Group is a leading eCrime service provider as well as a technology company with a large portfolio of Nordic and international customers all of whom depend on our intelligence, forensics and skills in general.

Our development team runs as an integral piece of the business and prides itself of extremely high standards as well as an informal atmosphere. The development team tend to all parts of the development cycle all the way from idea generation to daily operation of the code. "You build it, you run it". We score a 8-10 on a Joel Test.

Overall, we offer an awesome place to work with extreme amounts of freedom to do what you do best and ample opportunity to influence and affect. You’ll have great co-workers, work at a great location, get competitive pay etc.

Core responsibilities

Develop and maintain software. Plain and simple.

For example:

  • Deployment tools
  • Monitoring and metrics platform
  • A multitude of B2B "products" build upon a wide variety of intelligence sources - be that manual research as well as automated and autonomous data acquisition
  • Testing
  • Analysis and design along with the team
  • Deployment of your code
  • Monitoring, troubleshooting and analysis of (your) running code

In DevOps terminology you would have firm "Ops" chops to go along with your coding skills.

Qualifications / Experience

  • Strongly typed dynamic programming languages (preferably Python)
  • Relational databases (Preferably PostgreSQL)
  • Unix
  • Clean criminal record

We use/do

  • Git
  • Code-Reviews (via github-flow)
  • Automated testing
  • Automated deployment
  • Daily standups

and expect you have some experience with these concepts as well.

We expect you to be able to work independently and with a strong sense of responsibility. We expect you to have strong English communication skills (Danish not required). We have no formal relocation policies but are willing to aid the right candidate get settled in Copenhagen if need be.

How to apply

Email sbv@csis.dk where you

  • Tell me about a piece of code you've written (bonus if it's open source!) that you thought was really interesting / cool, and why.
  • Tell me about some production applications you've shipped and maintained.
  • Include your linkedIn profile or CV - major bonus points for stackoverflow flair and github profile with public content.

Job info

Antal timer: 
1. Januar 2014

Company info

CSIS Security Group
CSIS Security Group is a leading eCrime service provider as well as a technology company with a large portfolio of Nordic and international customers all of whom depend on our intelligence, forensics and skills in general.
Søren Bjerregaard Vrist
Knabrostræde 3a, 1210 København K
