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I’m getting ready for my first Ludum Dare game-jam, which I intentionally will refrain from calling a competition, as that would imply that I believe there is a chance of winning, which for me at this point would be missing the point.
After being off the grid since some time in august 2013. The hiatus probably has done all sorts of wonders to my already at that time not too impressive google rank :-p
If you’re a programmer, or even just a bro-grammer, check this comment on the official .NET documentation out:
Extracting vectors from pdf files is surprisingly easy with Inkscape, once you’ve figured out the steps. I’ve made a brief graphical vector-extraction-guide in my notes-stream: Extract Vector Graphics From PDF Files With Inkscape – Imperfect Notes.
A guide for compiling a modified version of linux-2.6 to run paravirtualized inside the the L4Re is now to be found in my separate notes blog. Enjoy.